You & Me & BPD : Collective Stories

Collective Stories Gallery

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You & Me & BPD is a mental health podcast which aims to spread awareness about the lived experiences of those who have Borderline Personality Disorder.Collective Stories is an extension of the podcast where listeners submitted creative pieces to further diversify the conversation about how BPD affects individuals and their sense of self.

Drowning by Stef RB
I guess I thought it would get easier when I grew up.

♥ Enabling ☆ by W.M
if you loved yourself as intensely as i love you
(that might not be good for you either)

Why am I still here?
It's 3 am
I've been sitting here for 2 hours already,
Losing my mind in the bathroom
Losing my mind to my mental illness,
Searching and searching for answers but all I can find is questions,
Questions and hatred,
That's BPD,
But maybe less of the questions and more of the hatred
God why am I still here?
I can still make it
I can still sleep
But I'm addicted to learning about how much of a monster I am,
Addicted to the idea of finally understanding who I am.
All I need to do is stop,
Put it down and go to sleep,
But I won't.
Not until I've hurt myself enough
Not until the knife in every comment finds its mark
Not until the undertow takes hold and drags me deep into an ocean of guilt, shame and self hatred on the bathroom floor.
Why here?
Why this disorder?
Why me?
Because I deserve it
Because I was bad
Because I hurt people
Because I'm sick
Because I'm in pain
Because I need help
Because I never wanted this
Because I wanted to be better
Because I tried to tell them
Because I deserved better,
Because we deserved better.

I can't find the light switch
One day I woke up and found out I was the monster under the bed
It was a funny feeling
But then you would feel funny because there are no monsters under the bed,
Are there?
I wouldn't know
It's dark and I can't find the light switch

Front runner
I am not a sufferer
I am a front runner
I am a visionary
I am a campaigner
I am a champion
And I am a survivor.
I bit the BPD bullet
I made that choice
Because I am not ashamed
This is my game so we play by my rules
Never fight an animal in its own corner
It's me against the world,
If this is a war then I'm the one with the nukes
Whatever it takes
I'm landing on the aircraft carrier
And I'm landing on my feet
Whatever I grow up to do
Whether it's take down the government, raise money for mind or travel to Belgium for a euthanasia at
age 29
I. am. ready. for. it. all.
It's the world who is not ready for me.

Blue & Anger by Kate S.I painted this in 2019.
Two faces that overlap each other.
One is tones of blue, serene, calm colors, blue is also often seen as sad.
The other face is warm tones, red here represents anger.
The faces look in opposite directions, as when splitting, depending on mood, we see things differently.

Everytime people ask me if I'm okay, it's just a reminder that I suck at lying

Overactive Amygdala by Maia H.This began as a simple sketch while I was journaling prompted by the words "I can't stop thinking!" It soon evolved into a wild network of organic shapes centering a strange tree.
Below, the shapes morph into various creatures that represent intrusive thoughts, insecurity, and fear. Above, the canopy breathes, and exhales all of this emotional energy that is stirring within. Is the persistence of thoughts something that promotes growth, or hinders it?
All the while, our amygdala runs itself ragged.

Words by Stef RBWords.
Breaking down.
Talking out loud.
Talking in my head.
Wanting someone to listen.
Wanting someone to hold me.
All of it was real.
All of it means nothing.
Falling into nothingness.
Thundering emptiness abound.

Untitled by Kate S.

Thank you to each person who submitted their pieces and helped to create this gallery.
Submissions will open again Spring/Summer 2023.

You & Me & BPD is hosted by Stef RB.
If you would like to listen to the podcast or connect with Stef, please use the links below.

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